Your instincts are telling you something. Trust them, and listen to them. 


Small voice. Gentle and a whisper. It’s your intuition. 

Some people are so tuned in that they trust that voice more than vocal voices. 

it doesn’t get louder. You have to listen harder.
For me, my instincts are a feeling of tension, like somebody untied my shoelace… doesn’t feel like a big deal, but still makes me feel like, that wasn’t right…  OR a feeling of ‘completing the puzzle.’ (just like finishing an actual puzzle.)

Tension examples

aconcagua – climb past base camp. And don’t climb past high camp. 

speak for free at our event? (previously, total tension and i have to cancel the gig. Then, when lesson learned about intuition, paid gig comes in it’s place)

Going to specific church out of duty (central) but never feeling aligned

Completing the puzzle pieces:

Book pacific challenge – bracelet, ‘let the adventure begin’

get certified as a kiteboarding instructor

deciding 2013 was the timing for everest despite everything not being perfectly in place. 

kitesurfing being the thing that convinced me to go to therapy after climbing everest

all of these things line up… they are what have created me to be who i am today, perfectly. Without trusting my instincts, presented through tension or completion, I wouldn’t be… me. I didn’t know what those things were in their moments. But I do now. And had these two hints been passed along, about what intuition is, i think i would have been better been able to listen to it in the moment I needed it most.